enable global impact

iRewild Institute operates globally, bringing together thought leaders, researchers, educators, and community members to address some of the world's most pressing environmental challenges. At the heart of our mission is the inspiration and cultivation of ecological consciousness. We believe that by deepening our awareness and understanding of nature, we can foster a greater sense of responsibility and stewardship toward the environment. Our initiatives are designed to transform collective consciousness, promote sustainable practices, and restore our relationship with the natural world.

We work collaboratively with a diverse array of stakeholders—including individuals, organizations, and communities—to ignite a passion for nature and encourage innovative solutions for environmental preservation. By empowering people with knowledge and a profound respect for the ecosystems around us, we aim to ensure that future generations inherit a planet that is cared for and protected. Our focus on ecological awareness serves as the foundation for all our efforts, driving positive change and fostering a global culture of sustainability.

our programs


Immersive Learning in Natural Settings

Live or online experiential workshops that bring the human soul back into a deeper, more conscious relationship with nature. Our educational programs emphasize the importance of opening oneself to the full spectrum of experiences—physically, emotionally, and spiritually—to capture the vibrant aliveness of nature while fully experiencing the deepest realms of human existence.

iRewild Nature Series

Nature series

Each month, people from around the globe join together for an hour of delightful conversation, heartfelt connections, and community bonding with subject experts and the authors of "Even The Caterpillar Sings." As we embark on a journey through its stories, reflective questions, and immersive experiences, you're invited to listen to the voice of every being—a call that feels like an adventure through the most breathtaking places on Earth, while discovering the most amazing parts of yourself.

Sholom Park, Ocala, FL

Sholom Park’s Zen Garden and Forest Bathing Audio Guided Meditations

iRewild Institute in collaboration with Sholom Park in Ocala, FL, yielded a series of immersive experiences aimed at nurturing a deeper connection with nature and inner peace.

The collaboration resulted in the creation of 11 audio recordings tailored for forest bathing experiences within the park. Forest bathing involves immersing oneself in the natural environment to relax and connect with nature, often leading to various health benefits. These recordings guide visitors through the process, of thoroughly perceiving, experiencing, and embodying the surrounding forest.

Additionally, the collaboration produced 14 guided meditations specifically designed for the Zen Garden within the park. These meditations aim to help visitors understand and interpret the symbolism present in the garden, guiding them on a journey of self-discovery, introspection, and inner peace.

Overall, both the forest bathing recordings and guided meditations serve as tools to facilitate a deeper connection with nature and oneself, enriching the experience of visitors to Sholom Park. Experience the adventure within the stunning landscape of Sholom Park.


Ecological Consciousness

Ecological Consciousness

The iRewild Ecological Consciousness Initiative is working to bring cutting-edge thought and interdisciplinary experts together to shape a system of consciousness and ecological values that represent a part of universal human values. Ecological consciousness has significant implications. Returning attention to our sensory world induces a profound awareness of interdependence; we experience ourselves as less and less separate from the web of life, and we begin to operate from a new consciousness that restores well-being not only to individuals, but also to our planet.

Existential Conversations Partnership

Existential conversations Partnership

Employees or students participate in a monthly discussion with iRewild thought leaders exploring ecological consciousness. These salon-type, explorative conversations always begin with a stirring, thought provoking question. The question creates a link for participants between their lives and aspects of eco-consciousness that so often seems remote, unspoken, or unconnected to our daily concerns. The meetings are inspiring, intellectually stimulating, and an important place for the exchange of ideas.

This initiative is for anyone who has ever asked . . . How does one unlock the unknowable, the indefinable?

iRewild in Motion

iRewild In-Motion partnership

Live in Real Time and Online – Hybrid Experiential Program

In today’s world, the one thing we can count on is how good it feels to escape the everyday. The iRewild In-Motion Initiative is a movement-based partnership program for organizations that brings together an employer’s commitment to making a positive impact on the environment, employee well-being, and ecological consciousness.

Companies embracing the iRewild In-Motion program are investing in both their employees and their own business’s well-being and growth. Employee behaviors and moods are more positive. They experience life satisfaction, and, as a result, employee loyalty and engagement increase.

Eco-Stories Initiative


How do we reunite the estranged human psyche with the wider natural world through story?

Every life has its own story. Even so, how do we connect to that inner story so that we can reconnect to a larger story — the soul of the world. Through story, iRewild is seeking to reimagine a new paradigm, a new set of methods that offer a bridge which people can cross, in order to open their hearts, expand their consciousness, and experience an ecological awareness flowing into it, bringing a more vital and heightened experience of being alive.

52 Questions ? . . . R

ediscovering Perspective

iRewild 52 Questions ? Initiative

rediscovering perspective

Neurological research shows that merely wondering about an interesting question activates regions of the brain linked to reward-processing. Curiosity—the act of wondering—feels good in and of itself, and thus, questions raise more questions. If the right question is crucial for scientific breakthroughs, what about breakthroughs in mindsets?

Children tend to separate from nature at age 10, so we are gathering questions to ask both children and adults that invite curiosity and entice one’s imagination to want something different — questions that help us to remember our interwoven relationship with nature.

Eco-Children Initiative

Eco-Children Initiative

The iRewild Eco-Children Initiative strives to expand a child’s awareness to how humans and the Earth are in an interconnected relationship. By developing a child’s recognition of this relationship,  the value of gratitude, respect, responsibility, and reciprocity with Earth is rediscovered. Children become catalysts of positive change.

Advanced Nature-Based Workshops

Advanced Nature-based workshops

Ecotherapy, also known as nature therapy, is a powerful tool for fostering healing and creating meaningful experiences for both individuals and the natural world. There is no doubt that nature has a profound influence on us. When we encounter these moments, they remain in our hearts forever. Because, when you connect to nature, you experience life from the deepest epicenter of existence itself.

It is for this reason that has created immersive and experiential workshops in ecotherapy, with an emphasis in depth psychology, for professionals and teachers. This initiative not only provides participants with the tools they need to facilitate healing and growth through ecotherapy, but also empowers them to become advocates for the natural world.

Nature Affinity Series

iRewild Nature Affinity Initiative

A series of storied and themed discussions in which select participants from universities and organizations, together with a carefully chosen panel of thought leaders meet to explore central questions on ecological consciousness.

The conversations always begin with a stirring question, a little story, and a problem that could confront almost anyone. The implications of this problem, whatever they may be, then ripple out to encompass larger issues and trigger eco-consciousness questions within oneself.

This program fosters an exchange of ideas which provides a space for both participants and viewers to broaden perspectives, remove boundaries of thought, and engage us to live in relationship with our natural world.

Eco-Capitalism: Conscious Leadership

Eco-Capitalism: Conscious leadership

Sustainability is a global issue. How we meet that challenge affects both companies and our world. The iRewild Eco-Capitalism: Conscious Leadership program gathers a diverse group of distinguished leaders and thinkers to identify and develop practices to effectively align capitalism with ecologically-sustainable programs.

Art As EcoAdvocacy

Art as EcoAdvocacy

Artistic expression has the power to raise consciousness and contribute to social change. Art moves the heart, mind, and soul. It creates an opportunity to traverse fixed biases and moral ideals to where curiosity is ignited, hearts can be touched, and minds open to new possibilities. In art we discover new perspectives and new ways to envision our world. It is a dynamic practice that has the potential to generate impact and inspire an ecological conscience.

The iRewild Art as EcoAdvocacy initiative tells stories of love, connection, and relationship to nature through artwork. It moves people to the awe and wonder of nature, inspires activism, and serves as a reminder that we are all part of the wider natural world.

If you are an artist and want to be part of the artist as an agent of social change initiative, please join us.

Ecological Consciousness Certification Course

iRewild Eco-Consciousness Certification Course

Live in Real Time and Online – Hybrid Experiential Program

The ecoconsciousness curriculum consists of 15 themed modules in which participants meet and explore the central themes and ideas for tending the soul of the world and cultivating reverence for nature’s intelligence and interconnectedness. We journey through the human inner landscape to understand our own lenses which structures our experiences of the world, and in the process we become eco-citizens. This course can be transformative, as it is designed to enable us to live in an authentic, creative, meaningful way in a world where we all belong. Participants work together, with space for participatory exercises, experiential practices, and creative expression, to develop break-through ideas for a final project and take that work into the community.

This experiential course is offered online or as an in-person workshop in an outdoor learning environment.