iRewild Podcasts
The iRewild Institute's podcasts explore how to experience the world, differently. The advancement of scientific knowledge is propelled by wonder and curiosity. Science shifts the way we perceive reality, adding to the beauty and complexity of our universe. With new knowledge, comes deeper, more wonderful mysteries, luring us even further into our curiosity and encouraging us to reflect on the bigger questions.
Each thing or being we meet in life, everything that we observe, has its own hidden existence. If we have the skills to perceive it, we are swept into a dynamic relationship, an understanding, where the creation mysteries of our everyday life and the cosmos unfold—where we see life through new lenses and unite with understanding.
Together, let’s transform the quality of the health, wellbeing, and lives for all inhabitants on Earth.
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iRewild: The imperative of beauty, awe, and wonder
25 minutes
This could potentially be one of the most significant podcast you'll ever hear.
There exists a spiritual essence within us that yearns for a superior diet to achieve its highest development, and this nourishment is found in the heartfelt act of perceiving nature’s beauty. Our soul becomes a receptacle of beauty, initiating a deep metamorphosis within ourselves that extends to the very core of our being. This life-changing experience not only enriches our own life but also becomes a source of beauty that radiates outwards into the world.
Let this podcast be the spark that ignites your journey towards taking simple, yet meaningful actions—it's your opportunity to be a catalyst in shaping a world in which we all belong.
iRewild: The Soul of the world
10 minutes
Bringing the human soul into a conscious relationship with nature.
iRewild: the heart of consciousness
11 minutes
When we step into life from the heart, it awakens us to experience life. It marks the distinction between just living, versus a ‘love’ of life.
iRewild: Travelers Of A Forgotten Dimension
16 minutes
Perceptive imagination gives us the capability to see into and beyond the essences, the instances, of our inner world, and the natural world surrounding us. It enables us to initially experience what we perceive, and then discover within it, far greater meaning than normal reality would provide.
iRewild: How To Build A Universe
7 minutes
Our universe is full of incredible, awe inspiring beauty that leaves us speechless and wondering about the laws that work outside of time and space. We realize we are part of something greater than ourselves. In those moments, when we try to describe what we perceive, how do we not miss out on the world itself and its possibilities?
iRewild: the wild radish
7 minutes
Do all intelligence and consciousness need to be reflections of our own human experience? Or should all of life on Earth be appreciated on its own terms—each life form according to its natural abilities necessary for living its own life?
iRewild: The Consciousness Of Possibility
6 minutes
It all begins so innocently. It’s sometimes difficult to even find the beginning.
7 minutes
Find what everyone overlooks and truly perceive the essence of experience itself. Then ask yourself, what is the world trying to show me?
22 minutes
It all started with a turtle . . . Then unexpectedly, I was looking into a mirror of my own human experience.
iRewild: Even The Garden Slug Sings
8 minutes
See beneath the surface. Listen for the stories that are yet to be told for it’s the untold stories that embrace our soul.
irewild: a world where many worlds belong
11 minutes
A place of beauty and mystery luring us even further into our curiosity and encouraging us to reflect on the bigger questions.
irewild: being ! ness
11 minutes
Do you ever wonder about Beingness? The nonphysical essence of all life, a feeling of presence, a curious experience, yet familiar.
How can we recognize the presence of the sacred and divine in Nature?
15 minutes
Embark on a thought-provoking journey where the interplay of masculine and feminine energies intertwines with the captivating dance of brain hemispheres, potentially unveiling the key to recognizing the sacred and divine in nature.