Elizabeth Gutierrez, MD
Multidimensional Psychiatry for Mind, Body, & Spirit; Adult, Child, and Adolescent Psychiatry; Ecotherapy
Elizabeth Gutierrez, MD — Humans are a part of nature. We are as much a part of the tapestry of life of the natural world as are the plants, animals, rivers, mountains, and elements that make up the one shared ecosystem of our planet. But most of us have forgotten this truth of our connection and belonging to the world we live in, and the resulting separation from nature is the root cause of many of our physical and mental health challenges. Our disconnection from our own true nature is what prevents many of us from experiencing our natural state of well-being and harmony.
Dr. Gutierrez is a writer, a lover, a seeker, and a bridge between humans and nature. As a child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist in private practice in Davis, CA, Dr. Gutierrez is interested in understanding the experience of human suffering and how to transcend it. Her passion lies in the work of human ecological restoration, helping to restore humanity’s consciousness back to the recognition of its own true nature and its place of belonging in the web of life. She is especially interested in helping people to reopen and reawaken their previously dormant creative channels, so that they can become the fullest expression of themselves, and help to reimagine and co-create a new world for our future.
As a young child, Dr. Gutierrez often pondered questions like, “How deep a hole could I dig if I kept on digging? Where would I end up if I kept on walking?” Her curiosity and imagination draws her to explore and experience the limitless expanse and mystery of our universe. Alongside her traditional medical and psychiatric training, Dr. Gutierrez has studied dreamwork, spirituality, yoga, meditation, shamanism, bodywork, energy healing, and nature-based soul encounters. She enjoys spending time envisioning what is possible for our lives, and then helping others to reclaim, create, and live their own authentic, abundant lives that honor themselves and the Earth.
“The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.” - Joseph Campbell